Digital Marketing Scale Up Business

If you have a online business and want to be on top in search engine search list means in simple we can say in "Google" than this is very helpful blog for whom , who are fresher in this field you will learn each and every single term over here.After getting knowledge  you will able to do it yourself no need to hire any digital marketing professional. So first try to learn how search engine work for any website.

Search engine crawl website first means its process of fetching web pages of website. its done by software called crawler or spider.Than search engine index crawled pages into search engine database and send it to you when the query being matched with used keyword phrase.let's move for next step What is Digital Marketing ? How it is helpful for our business.

Digital marketing  is a kind of marketing that utilizes internet and online based electronic devices, channels or electronic platforms to promote the brands and businesses online to reach customers through paid searches , organic searches ,display ads etc.

First we discuss about types of digital marketing.

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Content marketing.
  • Search engine marketing.
  • Display Advertising.
  • Mobile Marketing.
  • Social Media Marketing.
  • Email Marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • E-books

 "SEO is technical, analytical process to organically increase the visibility of any keyword and website in search engine.It's mainly use to drive high quality visits and traffic to website and convert into sales and improve user experience online".so Seo increase the visibility of website in(search engine) Google.For example if you are searching for "buy shoe online" , and the result you get on first,is "".When you are on top position customer visited your site more ,rather than other.You will earn more money than other website.

Second how can seo will be perform

Seo has two major components to interact a website with search engine.

-On Page

-Off page

Fist we talk about On page-It refers to Html source code(coding part) and content optimization so that website can be make search engine friendly,can be error less,compressed coding and user get better experience when scrolling your website.

search engine crawler can be in tract in more efficient manner and played well on web.These are some on page guidelines must be followed by webmaster's.

-Having optimized Titles and Tags , title should be 50-60 chars. with space because google displays 50-60 chars title in search you will definitely get 90% more hit on your site than other's.

-Proper url structures should be there use Static url rather than dynamic url because static url' are easily index able url.

-User friendly navigation must be used like breadcrumbs and user sitemaps.These navigation & sitemaps helps user to go to desired link or page and also helps crawler's to index updated page's.

-Use H1,H2,H3 and H6 on website.

-use Image with proper size , name and Alt tags for search engine friendly website.

-Optimized internal linking for websites.we have two types of links:

-External linking-These are the links pointing to other given links on our website.Example my      facebook profile , or twitter profile, and might be linkdin profile.but keep it in mind that internal linking passes page rank from your website to other so use "nofollow" internal linking.

-Internal linking-These are the links points to other page of our site.

-User friendly 404 pages should be created because it improve your site appreance in the sight of user.actually this is client side error some times client enter incorrect spellings, or might be broken linked url want to looking for. 

-Fast loading pages

-Mobile Friendly pages

-Top quality fresh content (This is always the most important SEO factor!)

-External links (no broken links or links to ‘bad’ sites).

 To reach on top organically these steps must be apply .

 Another important topic is off page.But before further move on topic its neccessary to work on it understand it we will meet with next topic after a short break till then work hard on it and comment incase of any confusion.







